As would be expected, with its fans set to their lowest setting the Mammoth MM01 isn’t the best performer, though it did keep temperatures well within safe tolerances so we can’t fault it for that. With the case fans spun all the way up, the CPU and GPU got cooler but the chassis operating volume was unbearable unfortunately. It seems there is no middle ground between low and high either. Despite being an analog dial, it appears to be a two-step controller.
Wrap Up: Built for Harsh Environments
Silverstone designed the Mammoth MM01 for harsh environments and chances are those environments won’t be particularly sensitive to looks or noise. With the case’s HEPA filter restricting airflow, you’ll likely have to crank up the fans, which do their best to imitate a vacuum cleaner. If you install a 120mm exhaust fan as well as a fan on the CPU cooler, temperatures would be reduced further and chances are the case’s low fan speed setting would suffice. While running its fans on high seems noisy to us in a home office, there is no denying that the MM01 performs well and again, chances are the operating volume won’t be an issue if you’re in a garage.
We didn’t do much in the way of spill testing as the case is certified with an IP-43 spill-proof design and that certification is far more stringent than the spill tests we would have conducted. That said, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to throw a few cups of water at the case just to see how well its ventilated panels worked. As expected, not a drop got inside. Additionally, knocking over a full cup of water on top of the case wasn’t a problem either. As mentioned earlier, we’ve yet to see the MM01 go on sale, though it is suggested to cost $300. That seems like decent value but we don’t really have another model for comparison. To our knowledge, there aren’t any other desktop cases available with a HEPA filter. Shopping shortcuts: Plenty of folks have custom made their own HEPA filtered cases, so there’s no doubt Silverstone’s Mammoth MM01 will be hired for some dirty jobs when it’s finally on the market. Cons: Said filters also occupy much of that capacity while limiting airflow. Your power supply will exhaust inside the MM01.